Thursday, August 21, 2008

Rice travels to Iraq to push for deal on U.S. forces

Rice travels to Iraq to push for deal on U.S. forces

BAGHDAD: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived here Thursday morning on a surprise visit زيارة مفاجأة to try to resolve remaining differences الخلافات الباقية over an agreement that would determine how long American troops remain in Iraq.
Rice made the trip because, she said, American and Iraqi negotiators have come close to a final agreement and the remaining differences are now in the hands of political leaders in Washington and Baghdad. The two sticking points النقاط العالقة remain a timeline سقف زمني for when American troops will withdraw from Iraq and the issue of immunity for American soldiers from Iraqi prosecution. حصانة الجنود الأمريكيين من المثول أمام القضاء العراقي


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Anonymous said...

جهد مشكور فى عالم الترجمة
keep on
but if you are translating from English to Arabic, you have better make the whole blog in English, or Arabic, it will be more accessible
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